Saturday 13 December 2014

                                         B.E/B.Tech.DEGREEEXAMINATION,   NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2011

                                          Fifth Semester Computer Science and Engineering                                                                                                         

                                           CS2304 SYSTEM SOFTWARE (Regulation 2008) 

Time: Three hours
 Maximum:100 marks
                                                         Answer ALL questions.

                                                         Part A - (10x2=20 marks)

1. Define system software
2.write the abbreviation for the following: (a)SIC b)XE C) CISC D)RISC
3.Distingush between assembler and interpreter
4. What do you mean by literal?
 5. What are the functions of loader and linker?
 6. Define relocation.
7.Write any two basic macroprocessor functions.
 8. Briefly write about MASM macr processor.
 9.Define text editor.
 10.What do you mean by debugger?

                                                     Part B - (5x 16=80 marks)

 11. (a) Explain the SIC machine architecture in detail.


 (b)Describe the following in VAX architecture (i)Memory (ii)Registers (iii)Data formats (iv)Instruction formats (v) Addressing modes (vi)instruction/output (vii)instruction set and

12. (a) Discuss in detail the assembler design options.


 (b)Explain machine dependent assemblerfeatures in details

. 13. (a) Describe machine dependent loader features in detail.


 (b) Explain the following in details al macro expansion

14.(a) Explain the features of machine independent maxcro processor in details.


 (b)Describe the following in detail: (i)Conditional macro expansion (ii) MASM macro processor (iii) ANSI C macro language

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